I recently redid the feel of gldn grl to make it better for you! It also feels more like me and what my vision for an ecommerce store looks like.
Here are some of the new features that I think you'll love:
It's now more accessible to shop from the homepage

Easily shop your favourite categories from the homepage:
Browse earrings, necklaces and rings easily.
Product and collection changes
You can now find more information about the products much easier from the collection pages including that product's star rating from verified customers, and a glimpse at more information on the product itself without having to go to the product page.

When you click "view options" you can see what sizes or colours the pieces come in without leaving your spot on the collection page.

Additionally, there is an easier way to sort, and learn more information about he product.
I hope that helps you with your shopping journey!
Have any other suggestions?
Let me know in the comments!